Soo, how many are planning on playing SWTOR on a regular basis? I have a feeling many of you are playing the beta or something now, cause the kin has been empty for a few days. If many of you are turning over to SWTOR I might as well join even though Im not all that into the SW universe. So, who will be playing SWTOR? And which side? Will we have a kin there? In that case, on which side? And also. Those of you who are playing, is it good?
I have pre-ordered, however I pre-ordered Rift and that lasted about a month. I have been playing skyrim as there is very little to do on lotro at the moment, as for TOR we have a guild 'Telcontar's Hope'. It is a republic guild on a pve server if you wondered.
I ll be giving swtor a good try provided i'm strong enough to make it through ( bioware and ea are making silly decisions about orders preorders and such). I ll be going for a main sith sorc ( a sort of a runekeeper but much better) so i intend to play on a pve server empire side, will probably also try a smugler (republic side) at some point. Would be great if any1 that gets in the early access program on day 1 posts the server they play on so we can all get together in the end.
I´ll be on the stars as soon as my turn comes on the preorder queue, hopefully around next wednesday or thursday. My main will also be a sith sorc on the pve server ( a fat bastard who will be called Darth Fingrose ;D ) Will also roll a bountyhunter on the pve that I´ll be be playing with a finnish mate of mine on the side. Tested it for 2 weeks last summer and enjoyed every second playing my bountyhunter that i got to lvl 32. Characters story and the fact thet everything is voice acted sealed the deal for me. Apart from those and better crafics the game ain´t much different to wow or lotro.
Whoever gets in first should post server details so that we can get together on the same server even if we are not going to initially play on the same side ( empire-republic).
We've been assigned to Peragus Mining Facility on the Republic side so we will get everyone sorted out aslong as we are all on the same server.
How about trying the Red Eclipse server? I know that a large mature community of gamers will be on that server ( both sides, empire and republic) I m hoping that will mean quality community on this particular server. I'm talking about this: . I wonder if any1 is familiar with it. (sry for the double post but I didn t see the edit post box, and i still don t see it). Well I m off to work, I ll be back for early game access start hopefully.