Soo, how many are planning on playing SWTOR on a regular basis? I have a feeling many of you are playing the beta or something now, cause the kin...
Still find it pretty complicating. But the soul tree kinda remind me of the skill-tree in Diablo 2, and I still remember the pain of realising you...
Ah thank you, that was some pretty useful info since I`m planning on staying far away from PVP. Do you know any site where you can read about the...
As I know nothing of the game I find it really hard to choose any right paths to go. Im planning on going for a Rouge Infiltrator, with maybe...
Is there like one build for each class (Rouge, Warrior etc) that is way superior to the rest? or can you kinda pick whatever builds you want to...
Go go Power Rangers! Merry Christmas and a happy new year <3<3 Ps: Goth>CoL
Let me know when your having this "fun" evening, and ill go to the cinema or something else far away from the lotro-world.
Never thought I would read such a lame idea :doh: