Just thought I would create a thread to share some info on how to make AND save money on Guild Wars 2! I've been using some of these 'tactics' and it DOES work. I have 16g to prove it! Hope it helps 1) Don't use waypoints! Seriously!! Consider the amount it costs to use them (keep in mind the price increases with level) and how many times you'll use them in one play session. That's a LOT of money going on travel, not to mention all the coin spent on repair bills, harvesting equipment etc. To get around Tyria without paying a single copper you need to think about how the different maps are connected via Asura Gates. I'm probably stating the obvious here, but just thought it would be worth mentioning that you can port freely between the major cities for absolutely nothing! From there, you're only ever something like one or two maps away from where you want to go. For instance, you're currently in, say, Divinity's Reach and want to go back to Bloodtide Coast. Simple! Get the Asura Gate in Divinity's Reach to Lion's Arch (free of charge!) and from there you only need to travel south to the next map. Another thing worth mentioning: if you're out in the field and can't be bothered with travelling to an Asura Gate to get elsewhere but need to return to a city, hit the 'B' key and travel to the Borderlands PVP area. There you will find an Asura Gate that is linked to Lion's Arch......and from there.......well, you get it. 2) Vendor unwanted weapons and armour! You may have gotten into the habit of using a salvage kit on everything you pick up but don't need/want. DON'T! Vendor it. Salvaging will not give you enough of the mats needed to make the same amount of money you would otherwise make from the vendor. (I always vendor white/blue items and sometimes green, though I tend to save the greens for the Mystic Forge ) 3) Don't buy harvesting equipment or salvage kits with money! There are many merchants scattered throughout Tyria that will sell you these in exchange for karma points. Yup, all those funky purple points you've been saving can actually be put to good use! 4) Pay attention to the items you are selling on the trading post! For instance, if you are selling something and notice that there are only a handful of the same item you are selling (and you can afford it) then buy the extras off of the other sellers, put the items back on the TP and raise the prices! Doing that will possibly increase your chance of selling said items and net you a bit of profit in return. 5) Sell your high level collectibles! I know it sounds a bit harsh, but if you can bring yourself to part with them, you WILL make money on the TP! You may think "Noooo, I need those for crafting", but consider how long it's going to take you to level up that much in your particular craft to find a use for said collectibles. By the time you've actually reached a tier where you can use them, you would've had enough time to go out and collect them all again! On a side note, someone has also mentioned that you can also invest your money with a nice guy called Tedstriker. He guarantees you'll very likely triple your money after some time (but going bankrupt could be a possibility.)