Pre-Launch guild program has started in SWTOR - have created Telcontar's Hope there for people who will be playing the game.
I made the mistake of pre-ordering RIFT. I am wary of doing it again, however I probably will try SWTOR. I have seen some videos and I must say that I am impressed, firstly no auto-attacks which is good, also the PVP looks very good as classes are rewarded for playing their class. So Tanks are rewarded for Tanking, not another DPS fest.
I have seen plenty mate, it looks good. However just a couple of concerns, one is that the game will be too solo-orientated with the companions and unique story lines. Secondly, if I play I will be on the light side, and those in kin that choose the sith will be separated from us which is a sad concept. Hopefully it will be worthwhile buying.
Yeah, alot of ppl that got access to testing the game were disappointed by the wow-ishness of the game.