The game is finally coming out on April 12th so I will be starting that, let me know if your interested in grouping up etc when launched.
This website tells you the basic roles that each soul fits along with the combat type. If you click...
As of right now you can get a total of 66 points which you can use to reach the top skill in two seperate tree's by having 31 points in each...
As of yet there are no set way to build your character, eg. a tank does not have to be a warrior archetype - paladin/void knight/reaver like...
Me and Remi have been playing on the Blightweald server (PvE) But they might change the server names at launch so that may be subject to...
Got my hands on a beta key for the remaining events if anyone wants it, let me know. If there is high demand I will get more keys for those who...
You'll have to ask Remi for a more detailed report on how the game is, I'm not very good with words nowadays.
I'm giving out a beta key that can be used five times, so if you want to join in give me a shout or message me. Information:...
It's true. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Now that open beta has started, these are the members of the kin currently playing: Tagnus Jamo (Heathrandir) Calenembor MysticDuck...
Welcome Let's get right into it shall we? I'm going to discuss other mmo's that we might be interested in as I know many of you don't know...
Hagu's stats: Updated I will keep this updated from time to time to show my progress. But first, argh the 6's! [IMG] [IMG]
OMG It's a trap! (Said in Admiral Ackbar's voice.....classic)