Yeah, alot of ppl that got access to testing the game were disappointed by the wow-ishness of the game.
I can hook you up with some ingame footage if interested, ollof.
Joined the site guild and preordered, whoo hooo! can t wait.
The only thing i can say about this is: I really hope this is not just another wow clone.
For the i don t know how many eth time a lm s pet keeps chasing me through stealth so loosing it i writte a petition, this is what i got: [IMG]...
Just watched the video...uhm... well i m guessing That video is more interesting:thumbdown: then the game....glad i went with EVE online.
That might scare all the tasty freepsie precioussesssss awaysss...:108:
/roar /cheer(warg style:P)